Police marriages face unique and specific challenges, which is why we created a retreat for police marriages that is both unique and specific in the therapy it offers.
OUR PRESENTERS speak not only from clinical experience as licensed therapists, but they speak from the personal experience of being former police officers or spouses of police officers.
OUR CURRICULUM is customized to address the specific needs of the attendees through the distribution of anonymous surveys prior to the retreat.
OUR LOCATION is comfortable private confidential and secure. Discount travel & lodging available.
As a civilian spouse of a police officer, you understand the unique nature of the how a police career effects the off-duty life. You also understand that, in some ways, there really is no off-duty. How can you improve your role as a spouse in a way that caters to the needs your police spouse most has? What principles can you learn to make your marriage more resilient against life's curves balls, in general?
As a police officer, you understand how your career influences your marriage and family whether you are on or off duty. You also understand that it takes a special person to be the kind of spouse you most need. The adversity you face on the job can sometimes be an adversity you face in the marriage. Who better understands than marriage & family therapists who have been police officers and police spouses themselves?
What if you could gain leverage so that the unique challenges you face in a police marriage can become the best opportunities to protect and preserve it? The roots of trees grow deeper and stronger when its branches endure storms over time. Finding the ways to grow through adversity instead of feeling threatened by it is part of the core of our Marital Resiliency Coaching™.
The main presentations will be followed by interactive group workshops led by the therapists and featuring volunteer discussion and clinical feedback. The topics are driven by the group but examples include: